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(1 - 20 of 7,634)
A222: James Owen (Wechanimaash), Lillian Owen (Maa'aanjosh), and four children, Pauingassi, Manitoba, circa 1940
A227: Paddle wheel boat, "Prince Albert," on lake, Manitoba, circa 1930s
A160: Sarah Duck (Zhoowaab), making a rabbit skin blanket, Little Grand Rapids, Manitoba, circa 1930s
A274: Ochak, Duck Lake, Ontario, circa 1930s
A016: John Berens with puppies, Berens River, Manitoba, circa 1930-1933
A066: En route on Berens River, rapids, Manitoba, 1933
A239: Site of old Hudson's Bay Company post, en route between Pauingassi, Manitoba, and Poplar Hill, Ontario, circa 1930s
A040: Morning Star with two daughters, Berens River, Manitoba, circa 1938
A280: Ashaageshi, Duck Lake, Ontario, circa 1930s
A177: Sweat lodge, Little Grand Rapids, Manitoba, circa 1930s
A252: Tejaakomaash, Poplar Hill, Ontario, circa 1930s
A289: Stanley Quill, his wife Helen Quill (Ochak), and Helen's aunt Nicka, Pikangikum, Ontario, circa 1930s
A235: Gichii-Omoosonii and Waawaak, Pauingassi, Manitoba, 1933
Laurence Sterne, A. M. Prebendary of York, Vicar of Sutton on the Forest and of Stillington near York.
A218: View of lake shore with offering, Pauingassi, Manitoba, circa 1930s
A292: Ojibwe child, Pikangikum, Ontario, circa 1930s
A096: Getagaash Keeper and boy, tying waaginogaan poles together, Little Grand Rapids, Manitoba, 1934
A106: Ojibwe man, possibly Maatos (Maadoz?), Little Grand Rapids, Manitoba, circa 1930s
A271: Ojibwe man holding hat, Duck Lake, Ontario, circa 1930s